SIZE=”+4″ FACE=”Chiller”>Filthy
Movie Advertised on Channel One
Protest Letter to Paul Folkemer
and Noreen Clarke of Channel One
Channel One Urges Kids to See
Vulgar "MonkeyBone" Movie
Warning: This
letter contains graphic language describing content in this "Channel
One-approved" Dirty Movie
This scene was shown in
classrooms. Parents have no idea what utter sleaze Channel One
is promoting to schoolchildren.
SRC=”image/monkeybonebite.jpg” WIDTH=”198″ HEIGHT=”133″ ALIGN=”LEFT”
"Kitty" is in this movie
for one purpose – to provide a lot of cleavage. Former Christian
Coalition leader, Ralph Reed, is getting paid big money to protect
Channel One’s "right" to promote this sleaze to schoolchildren.
The main character becomes a sex maniac in this "Channel
One-approved" movie. Here he is about to "dive! dive!
dive!" onto his girlfriend in bed. Dr. Richard Land of the
Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission mistakenly
praised Channel One last year for their efforts to clean up their
act. Dr. Land was supplied untruthful information. Channel One
is getting much, much worse under the new leadership of Jim Ritts.
The Southern Baptist resolution opposing Channel One in 1999
got it right: No school should have Channel One.
This Channel One-approved movie sends a very bad message
about drinking to children. "Drinks for everybody."
The term "monkey bone"
is slang for "penis." The cartoon monkey is the alter
ego of the main character’s penis. The monkey is named "Monkey
Bone." Here we see a schoolchild trying to hide his erection
and when the teacher gets close, his erection springs out and
it’s the Monkey Bone monkey.
Dr. Paul Folkemer and Noreen
Clarke of Channel One gave their approval for this movie to be
advertised to schoolchildren.
In the scene above, the sex crazy Monkey Bone has just
dived into "Kitty’s" cleavage and the audience sees
him crawl all over her body under her clothes. He comes out of
her clothes on her shoulder in this scene and tells "Kitty"
that he has left his phone number on her underwear.
Senator Sam Brownback, who normally is known for his pro-family
stand on issues, is helping Channel One deflect criticism on
Capitol Hill. Senator Brownback ought to be ashamed of himself. |
Dear Dr. Folkemer and Ms. Clarke:
The filth just keeps on pouring out of Channel One and both
of you are responsible for it (your web site says you both give
final approval to all commercials). Or are you?
You approved the "drug abuse is funny" movie "Dude,
Where’s My Car?" in November. Remember the oral sex and
transvestite scenes added to the "drugs are cool" scenes?
You then approved the bestiality/anal sex/lesbian sex/cross-dressing
comedy "Head Over Heels" for children in January and
now on February 23 you had the nerve to advertise "Monkeybone"
to children.
How dare either one of you tell educators and legislators
about your efforts to review commercial content for "appropriateness."
You put your stamp of approval on FILTH for other people’s children.
You are "winking" at each other as you pull a fast
one on parents because what you are saying on your web site is
you review the commercials for bad content but you have no idea
about the content of the films you are advertising. You are misleading
people. You have been doing that for years.
Monkeybone is about Brenden Frasier’s character’s penis. The
name "monkeybone" is slang for "penis." The
first time you see the monkey that is the cartoon-character in
this film is when he bursts out of a boy’s pants after he is
sexually arouse by his teacher. (This is very much like the "’Buddy
scene in the utterly vulgar Murphy movie you ran a contest for
last year.)That happens in the first scene of the movie. Didn’t
either of you become alarmed by the age-inappropriateness of
this movie after this first scene? Or did both of you think this
is "funny" and "just fine" for children?
The cartoonist played by Frasier makes his monkey character
the alter ego for his genitals. This movie is one sex joke after
another. Bravo, Folkemer and Clarke, job poorly done as usual.
Did either one of you preview the movie? Were you just lazy?
or did you just not care? It has to be one or the other.
Let me tell you a little more about the movie you got kids
to go see.
The movie was a nightmare. When I say "nightmare" I
mean a "nightmare." You have to see it to understand.
It was ghoulish and repulsive. A large portion of the movie takes
place in a nightmare world that is so disturbing that it shocks
an adult. No telling what it would do to some children.
Yes, some children can handle the nightmare scenes fine. And
yes, Paul, some of the kids have experienced a lot worse sexual
content. And yes, kids hear erection jokes at school and kids
are going to drink alcohol even if don’t see a movie that makes
it look cool. Yes, some children like movies with a lot of cleavage
showing and think its cool to look up women’s skirts. (If neither
one of you have seen the movie you urged kids to see, then I
apologize because you don’t know what I am talking about.)
But don’t you think you are playing too rough with these children?
Let’s forget about what you are doing with junk food and the
healthy of children, promoting these movies to children is something
like child abuse in my humble opinion.
Are either one of you offended by my use of "child abuse."
Are the critics of your tactics suppose to treat you with kid
gloves because you may be sensitive? Where were the kid gloves
when our children needed them? Should you be treated more kindly
than you treat the children who are a captive audience to Channel
As I have said before, I feel helpless against your big money.
You have and will continue to spend huge sums of money in order
to mislead America. You dump toxic waste on our children and
expect Jack "gun-for-hire" Abramoff and Ralph Reed
to cover your backside.
I write this for one purpose.
Channel One is getting ugly. It is doing ugly things to kids
much more frequently. I can imagine this has something to do
with the DEN mentality of Mr. Ritts. DEN was going to "push
the limit" with content aimed at kids and the company blew
up. Now Ritts is head of Channel one. Now there is a nasty edge
to Channel One that quite frankly I haven’t seen since Tanzer
went "off-the-reservation." I want you to tell me if
you two are still giving final approval to C1 ads on the show
and on the web.
If you have been moved aside, and someone else is doing this
"final check" I need to know because I don’t want to
say anything on my web site and press releases that isn’t so.
If someone else is doing your job now, give me his or her or
their name(s).
Revolted by your company,
Jim Metrock |
Channel One executives looked
at this movie and said it is OK to advertise it to their captive
audience of schoolchildren. Here a review that shows this was
a very inappropriate movie for children. Channel One wanted 20th
Century Fox’s cash and they didn’t even preview this movie before
they advertised it. This is sheer negligence or worse.
FACE=”Arial”>Monkeybone is about the battle between a cartoonist
and his penis, as symbolized by an obnoxious animated monkey.
Hence the title.
The cartoonist, Stu Miley (Brendan Fraser) — or S. Miley, as
his name tag reads — is a formerly tortured artist who has found
his muse in psychiatrist girlfriend Julie (Bridget Fonda) and
his calling in drawing cartoons. Monkeybone is his star creation,
whom we first see literally bursting from the lap of a cartoon
version of Stu…
The shrill, vulgar, seemingly hacked-up,
not-for-kids Monkeybone is the first live-action film from Henry
There’s a grand history of lovably irreverent
cartoon characters. Monkeybone isn’t one of them. He’s an irritant
to Stu and an irritant to us – just an annoying, hyperactive little
simian with a foul mouth and dirty mind. There’s nothing particularly
funny about watching an animated monkey plunge into McGowan’s
cleavage (the only apparent reason she was cast). Watching his
antics is like reading really old Playboy Party Jokes — the ones
that now might merit a PG-13 rating…
The movie includes a snippet of the John
Hiatt song "Little Head" in which the singer laments,
"I’m just so easily led when the little head does the thinking."
Selick should have taken this lesson to heart and paid less attention
to Monkeybone and more to our funny bones."
from Mark Caro’s review in the Chicago Tribune
March 16, 2001 email
Dear Dr. Folkemer:
I am going to be on a drive-time radio show in a fairly large
Southern city this afternoon to talk about Channel One’s promotion
of movies that contain drug content, violence and, of course,
sexual content.
I wanted to share with you that the radio host will not allow
me to mention the name of the latest sleazy movie you approved
– "Monkey Bone." I can understand, since the name
is slang for the male genitalia. You evidently didn’t have those
qualms about the name and the movie.
I have not received a reply from you concerning your status as
approver of ads. I will assume you and Ms. Clarke are still
the people that give a "thumbs up" or "down."
Since "Monkey Bone" didn’t raise an eyebrow with you,
I guess you will have no problem with my decision to refer to
you from this moment on as Paul "MonkeyBone" Folkemer.
I know you hope this nickname doesn’t "stick" but
at least this one "flows" better than my second choice
– Paul "Dude, Where’s My Car? Folkemer.
Respectfully and awaiting your reply,
Jim Metrock |
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