From Jim Metrock: I’ve seen students film themselves doing a lot of silly things just for a chance to be seen on Channel One News. You see, Channel One is constantly asking students and teachers to send in classroom videos that can be used to kick off their daily show. Channel One requires students to end each video with “Channel One News starts right now.”
Students will gladly say whatever Channel One News wants them to say if it improves their chances of getting their video on air.
These students at Bluffton Middle School might have thought they were filming a “shout out” to Channel One News, but in reality, they shot a commercial for Channel One. They shouldn’t have done that since this is a public school. No teacher should allow his or her students to help any vendor in the school. Can you imagine a teacher allowing students to film a video plug for a car dealership in their community? Even if a student’s parent owns the car dealership?
So here’s Bluffton Middle School showing their devotion to the Channel One Kiddie Marketing Company.
VIDEO: Bluffton Middle School burning down the school for Channel One!