From Jim Metrock: SkoolLive is a company that refuses to die. After closing down their website for several days, SkoolLive is back online. Check out the incredibly resistant school marketers at That’s correct. They continue to insist on misspelling “school.” 
Tags: alla kozhukhina, allen malone, anna mitchell, armando solano, Autumn McFeeley, Breanna Heathe, chris boothe, digital kiosks, ed andrew, generation Z, george bruton, george kuhn, jacob schrimpf, james byrne, Jason Benito, jason hall, jon nichols, Jordan Conkling, josh valantine, justin gerard, Kara Graham, kassidy burns, kyle warren, kyle young, Lisa Marie Dudenhoeffer, Marcos Montoya, mark white, martin acevedo, nathan benner, nathan vu, nic flores, Rick Centeno, robert powell, Rosa Diaz, skool live, skoollive, skoolloot, stephen grebing