Earlier this year, Channel One advertised a series of extremely offensive movies. Teachers, who had no idea what they were showing to their students, became unpaid employees of Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox and other movie studios.
Here are some examples from just one of Channel One’s filthy movies.
Head Over Heels PG13 March 2001
Channel One had no problem with cross dressing scenes. Only old-fashion parents would be disturbed by this stuff. "Get with the times," Channel One executives would say. | ||
Lesbian dialogue is big in this Channel One-approved movie. Here are the happy couple at the end of this sleaze-ball film. Everything is normalized. Channel One and the schools that still have a contract with them, are making sure that Hollywood’s standards become the standards for young people. | ||
This innocent looking scene is one of the most disgusting and disturbing scenes in any Channel One-approved movie. In this scene from "Head Over Heels", two maintenance men enter a women’s restroom. They don’t know that four women are hiding in another stall. The men are fixing the toilet but the screenwriter for this offensive "teen movie" created a dialogue between the men that make it seem, to the women who could not see them, that they were having sex. This scene is not brief. You can read the disgusting script by going to our January-June section of News About Channel One. Only when parents and other taxpayers see for themselves what Channel One is doing to our children will they understand the urgent need to remove Channel One from their schools.
Parents ought to sue a school for advertising this cultural rot to their children. The advertising of movies on Channel One is just one of the many reasons that schools are ending their relationship with this Madison Avenue marketing company. |