One of the youngest anchors to be
hired by Channel One is one of the best they have ever had. Joshua
Toole probably connects with the captive audience of students
better than the other, much older reporters. (Isn’t Seth Doane
getting a little long in the tooth?)
He is attending college in Los Angeles while he is
working for Channel One, therefore Toole will probably be at
Channel One News when it closes up.
Mr. Toole, if you’re the last one to leave the Hacienda,
how ’bout turning the lights off.
Who was this lady’s career counselor
at Harvard? Good grief!
How can a person, with any self-motivation, complete
four years at Harvard and accept employment with Channel One
News? Is this the "Harvard" that’s in Cambridge?
Ms. Jiggetts is an African-American that has noooo problem
working for a company that disproportionately exploits schoolchildren
in lower income areas. A professor at the University of Massachusetts
(Amherst) documented this fact in 1994 and the state of Alabama
confirmed it in a state study in 1998.
All we can hope is that Ms. Jiggetts becomes more sensitive
to the harm her company is causing young people of all colors.
She should know better.