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Peter Jennings, ABC’s Master of Liberal Bias has unprecedented access to students forced to watch Channel One News.
From Jim Metrock:
For years, Channel One News has bragged about their special relationship with ABC News. There are few people who will not acknowledge that ABC News is one of the more liberal-biased networks.
Channel One News is helping Peter Jennings and his liberal team get an whole generation of children to become ABC News devotees.
I remember seeing a truly awful Channel One News show that was hosted by Channel One’s Tracy Smith and Peter Jennings. Jennings appeared on Channel One News that day to not only advertise his style of biased news casting but also to promote his “Global Warming” special airing on that coming Friday night. Ms. Smith gushes over Jennings like he was a god. She tells the students that they should stay home on Friday night and definitely watch Mr. Jennings telling the truth about how America is destroying the planet.
Jennings has been on Channel One more than once. We have the tape of the global warming pitch but not of the other appearances.
ABC News is smart to be a partner with Channel One. Up to eight million children have to watch this show at school. After watching Channel One and seeing Jennings and other ABC reporters constantly on their classroom TV screen for up to SEVEN years, these students will feel very comfortable with the “Jennings Way” of looking at the world. They will be very comfortable watching ABC News after they graduate.
You don’t have to be a conservative to be offended by this Channel One News/ABC News lovefest. Jennings is so far left that many liberals are made uncomfortable by his newscasts.
The most recent example of this unholy partnership is the laughable “on the road” news stories Channel One has been running for the last week. Channel One news “reporter” Derrick Shore started in New York City and was working his way to the Iowa Caucus. The first report didn’t make sense. If you are going to cover the Iowa Caucus why would you start in New York and report from various places on the way to Iowa? Students across the country must have been laughing at their TVs as Mr. Shore compares the fog on the Ohio Interstate to the fog of uncertainty among the Democratic candidates. Good grief.
Why Channel One wasted such time with this type of filler material (making students watch as Shore works his way to Iowa) became apparent when you realize Channel One has become a rather pathetic “lap dog” for ABC News. Channel One was given permission to tag along with ABC News and this “road trip” was good advertising for ABC. Look at these pictures from Channel One’s web site. We added our own captions. (http://www.channelone.com/election_2004/)
One News Chasing the ABC News Bus |
See Derrick Shore. Derrick works for Channel One News. He likes to be called a “reporter.” He is standing near the Channel One News bus. Oh no. That is not Channel One’s bus. That is the ABC News bus. Channel One is helping to promote ABC News. Nice scarf.
Poor Derrick. They won’t let him on the ABC News bus. He must follow the bus in his rented SUV. From New York to Iowa, poor Derrick must breathe the bus fumes. He will be goofy by Des Moines.
Channel One’s caption to this photo is the following (no joke): “Picture Perfect – Ever wonder how we get those really cool wide beauty shots? It is not as high tech as you think. Producer Sherri Brown is seen here standing on top of our van to get the perfect shot.” Guys, what are you talking about? “Cool wide beauty shots”? Channel One News is not known for its production quality. Nobody thinks you guys do anything “high tech.” OK? What is Ms. Brown filming sooo high up on top of the van? a gasoline station? Breaking news! Channel One has filmed a service station employee actually changing the price on regular unleaded.
See Derrick read. He is reading a newspaper. He is catching up on current events before he begins his day. He is not watching TV news. Maybe students should do the same thing. Reading is educational. Passively watching TV is less so. Watching Channel One News is a LOT less so. Let’s be like Derrick. Let’s turn off the TV and read.