Vulgar Message Boards For Kids

February 3, 2004

From Jim Metrock:

This is a sample of the sleazy message board Channel One News uses to lure kids to their web site. Channel One got in very bad trouble doing this to kids in 1998. They lost a large amount of Alabama schools that year because of the raunchy content they were delivering to children. Now it is happening again. We apologize for pasting this crude language on our site, but parents have to know what Channel One News has on their web site. They say that the message board has a moderator that screens the postings. This shows the typical low standards of Channel One employees. This stuff was “OK ed” by their moderator. Here are some samples of posted messages.

Notice the time of day for first one. This is on a Wednesday (February 4). It’s a school day but “69er4life” is posting at 1:47 pm. This is probably a child predator trying to get children to respond to his sexual bait. Channel One News is offering this anonymous person a perfect environment to do his business. Remember, I am on this message board, reading, not posting, and I am 53.

(All postings below are copied from the official web site for Channel One News. Nothing has been changed.)

________________________________ Forums

Teen Issues –  anal sex?

From:  69er4life   1:47
To:  ALL (1 of 10)  2129.1 
what are your guys thoughts on anal sex? girls,do you like it up the rear?

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PDF See a snapshot of Channel
One’s message board for kids.
________________________________ Forums

Teen Issues –  anal

From: Novan722  3:09
To:  69er4life unread (2 of 11)  2129.2 in reply to 2129.1 
My thoughts on anal sex are do it all the

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________________________________ Forums

Teen Issues –  anal

From: 5555555   4:15 pm 
To:  69er4life unread (3 of 11)  2129.3 in reply to 2129.1 
up my rear is the best way

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_________________________________ Forums

Teen Issues –  anal sex?

From: 5555555   4:18 pm 
To:  5555555 unread (4 of 11)  2129.4 in reply to 2129.3 
up my rear is the best way, the way it hurts

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Teen Issues –  What
are your views on pre-maritual sex?

From: bandlover  Feb-1 5:15 pm 
To: chica049490 (309 of 315)  158.309 in reply to 158.308  i think it doesn’t really matter cause we’ll do it anyways  it so awsome cause i love my boy friend he gave me a great gift ,a baby (twin girls)!!

Teen Issues –   had sex…..will
someone help??

From: bumblebee12   Feb-4 9:12 am 
To: ALL (1 of 7) 2124.1 
hey peeps i need yalls help i am 13 and already had sex now it seems like thats all my b-friend wanted from me .hes 16 and i think he has done that to about all the gurls hes dated! what should i do

if anyone has some advice than write to me

Of course, Channel One News opens up their message boards for a wide discussion of the gay lifestyle.


Teen Issues –  Homosexuality

From: aggizrulz   Jan-23 11:34 am 
To: ALL (1 of 30)  1948.1 
I honestly think there is nothing wrong with it. I mean you only live once, and there is the right person out there. And you should be happy for who you are. Yes there is biblical reasons. But if that is who you are, you shouldnt have to live your life as a lie.


Teen Issues –  Homosexuality 
From: josh666 666   Jan-23 1:27 pm 
To: aggizrulz unread (2 of 30)  1948.2 in reply to 1948.1 
i think it is cool to be gay iam

Teen Issues –  Homosexuality

From:  zooeyglass   Jan-23 7:00 pm 
To:  KJJ   (4 of 30)  1948.4 in reply to 1948.3 
i like gay guys it relly #### that i dont have any gay guy frendz b/c that would b awsome!!!!!

Teen Issues –  Homosexuality

From:  Dragon Of Earth   Jan-23 7:28 pm 
To: aggizrulz unread (5 of 30)  1948.5 in reply to 1948.1

i think there is nothing wrong with it, you love who you love and that’s it (unless your like a 20 year old going out with a 10 year old, that’s just not right) but, just because you’re the same sex shouldn’t mean it’s wrong. who cares what the bible says, it’s based on life thousands of years ago, and doesn’t relate to soicity today… i will not let a book tell me how to live my life (even though i’m straight) i still think that homosexual merrages should be allowed. it won’t hurt anything….

” Once a very long time ago, people had 2 heads and 4 legs, but then the gods threw down thunder bolts, splitting the 2 in half, and each person then having 1 head and 2 legs…. but this seperation left both sides with an empty feeling, and since then both sides have crossed the earth searching for the other half of their soul”

Teen Issues –  Homosexuality

From: Warning Sign   Jan-25 4:31 pm 
To:  aggizrulz unread   (15 of 30)  1948.15 in reply
to 1948.1 
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. People cannot choosehow they feel. Besides, why is someone’s sexual preference anyone else’s business?


Teen Issues –  do u pratice abstinece?

From: amber_the_weird   Feb-2 6:22 pm 
To:  Sunshine126 unread   (3 of 3) 2095.3 in reply to 2095.2  i’m a virgin, but only because of my age. i’m not saving myself for anything, when i think i’m ready and i find someone i really love, i’ll have sex. fluck duck


Teen Issues –  What do you think
about abortions?

From:  DarkPrimus   Jan-22 1:53 pm 
To:  Dolphin04 unread (3 of 10) 1918.3 in reply to 1918.1  Over 90% of abortions performed are within the first month. It’s a simple scraping of cells. It is NOT “killing a baby”.

Here’s an example of how poor Channel One’s profanity filter is. Why spend money on something to protect kids? If I can read this and copy it to put on this web site than an child visiting the Channel One News site can do the same.

Teen Issues –  yourallcocksuckingwhores

From: 69er4life  7:38 pm 
To: ALL (1 of 1)  2157.1 
just fuçk off all you dumb cocksuckers

Channel One News allows drug users to post pro-drug messages on their message boards.

Drugs –  Legalizing Marijuana – pros/cons?

From: ReligiousScam   Jan-27 7:16 pm 
To:  ALL (1 of 7)  2019.1 
Considering more than 1/2 of American Adults have smoked pot and there is no medical evidence showing that it #### you up too much, I believe it should be legalized. It should be treated like Alcohol with an age restriction.

Drugs –  Legalizing
Marijuana – pros/cons?

From: ganje   Jan-28 3:09 pm 
To: ReligiousScam (2 of 7)  2019.2 in reply to 2019.1 
right on brother

Drugs –  Legalizing
Marijuana – pros/cons?

From: supportlocalbands   Jan-28 6:08 pm 
To:  ReligiousScam  (3 of 7)  2019.3 in reply to 2019.1 
TAKEN FROM MY POST UNDER Should any drugs be legalized? Pro/con? Sorry I was too lazy to type another one… Marijuana should be legalized…it has so many uses other than getting a buzz(see It demonized for all the wrong reasons… it’s not a gateway… it’s not addicting (not really anyway)….right now it’s worth more than gold yet it would grow anywhere….and when you’re baked youre not out causing trouble…or recklessly driving…cuss god knows…if that car behind you looks like a cop…you will slow your #### down…even when youre going 5mph…like all those truth commercials they jam down our throats…those kids were drunk too…and anywaus…what was it “1/3 of drivers had marijuana in there systems” were the other 2/3 dumb? stubid should be illegal…those commercials are f-in’ stupid….scaring people into not doing something is a terrible way to address a problem….and it still isnt working…they should just give up on this “war on drugs” and put the money they are using busting headshops and whatnot into geting these people help…people need to treat drug addiction like what it is…more like a mental disease…it’s not a criminal thing…pot isn’t a drug unless sugar is Is it fair that a man gets 28 years for possession of marijuana when a murderer gets 25-life…and many rapists get less? our prisons are filled with junkies who just need help…not to get analy raped by some man who was molesting
children… NO…I’m not saying kids should be able to smoke pot… adults should be abble to decide for themselves….end of story ” You must begin to think correctly” -William Cooper


Drugs –  Legalizing Marijuana
– pros/cons 
From: roadkill  Feb-2 1:16 pm 
To: ReligiousScam (5 of 7)  2019.5 in reply to 2019.1 
i’m with you guys on this one….i love the stuf…..the only reason it won’t be legalized is because the gov’t won’t get any money on it…….we would grown it and sell it….it would go in with our property tax so they wouldn’t get any money from it so they won’t legalize it…..#### gov’t

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