One Million Children Disappear… and that’s a good thing.

December 9, 2004


We have reported about Channel One’s unethical use of school time to advertise the movie “Finding Gracie.” Channel One violated its own “news standards” by merging advertising into the news portion of the show.

“Finding Gracie” is not a typical movie. It is a gimmick by another one of Channel One’s advertisers – Gatorade. Gatorade is helping to underwrite this movie so it can sell even more product. Channel One News is cross-promoting Gatorade and the movie by offering students a chance to win a role on the movie.

Ken McNatt, fearless Channel One expert in Pennsylvania, found this stunning revelation on the movie web site:

“IN THE NEWS – Channel 1 lets seven million students know about — Click here to learn more! ”

Holy shrinking audience numbers, Batman!

Gatorade has a long history with Channel One News. They had to get this “seven million” number from Channel One. Why would they just make up a number, after all?

Obligation’s Jim Metrock said, “The truth is slowly coming out about Channel One’s miserable audience numbers. Gatorade is a Channel One advertiser and they would be privy to more realistic audience numbers than the outrageous eight million figure Channel One has always bragged about. Obligation believes the seven million figure is still too high. Noncompliance is just so rampant everywhere in the Channel One network of schools. Those who have fought against the commercial exploitation of schoolchildren should feel good about their progress.”

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