Obligation has been told by a reputable source that on January 19 Channel One News ran a commercial spot that featured a promotion for the raunchy Missy Elliott. This was to promote the contest that had previously only been on Channel One’s web site.
(If you check Channel One’s web site for the January 19 show, you will see a spot for Channel One.com instead of the Elliott spot. It is a common practice by Channel One to show an edited version on the web. They don’t want to excite parents.)
Promoting a singer that glorifies drug use and violence, with the most repulsive lyrics one can imagine, is bad enough on channelone.com, but it is stunning news to know that classroom TV screens had Elliott’s face on them.
Obligation’s Jim Metrock said, “Channel One News has damaged the anti-drug programs at every school that still has this reckless TV show. Public schools simply cannot tolerate Channel One News advertising pro-drug movies and promoting singers like Elliott. A teacher or principal cannot monitor Channel One. No school official can know every singer or the content of movies that haven’t premiered yet.”