This Is Funny.

May 19, 2005

Yesterday, Channel One’s parent company PRIMEDIA
issued a press release announcing an extraordinary addition to
Channel One’s web site.

Here is the press release:


Wow, a "resource page" that is created "to
inform and educate young people." Channel One has created
a resource that will "encourage them to take on a more active
role in government." Channel One’s new CEO Judy Harris is
gushing about the brand new "Government Resources Guide" at

Here is a copy of that incredible new web resource
for young people:

That is it in its entirety. There is no "page

There are eight links.

Each link is followed by a sentence. (Notice Channel
One knocked themselves out and wrote two sentences to describe
the FirstGov web site.)

Obligation’s Jim Metrock said, "This is hilarious.
A web page with eight links is worthy of a press release? It took
one person no more than 15 minutes to create this page. This weak
effort is insulting to young people. I guess Channel One would
have called a press conference if they came up with TEN links.
CEO Harris appears to be easily impressed. I guess that is why
she took the job at Channel One News."