An Imaginary Interview With Alberto Ibarguen

February 24, 2007

Jim Metrock conducts a fake interview with Knight Foundation president Alberto Ibarguen

In November 2006, I complained to Mr. Alberto Ibarguen, the CEO of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, about the Foundation’s $2.25 million "bailout" of the notorious Channel One company. Ibarguen never responded. I sent emails to most of his staff to pass on to Mr. Ibarguen. Still nothing. On February 23, I sent another email plea and didn’t even get a "get lost" reply.

So now I have created this mock interview with the taciturn Mr. Ibarguen. Keep in mind this is all a product of my imagination, but hopefully it will help the public and maybe even Mr. Ibarguen understand how the Knight Foundation has undermined the efforts of parents, teachers, students and other citizens to remove Channel One’s commercial exploitation of schoolchildren. Hopefully, Mr. Ibarguen will understand that Channel One News is more marketing than journalism.

Welcome, Mr. Ibarguen.


I want everyone to know that the real Alberto Ibarguen would never participate in such a nonsensical "interview" like this, therefore I will not answer any questions.

Mr. Ibarguen, why did the Knight Foundation agree to give Channel One so much money?


OK, I’ll play along. We gave them money to help educate students about the First Amendment. They have millions of students who watch their show. It makes sense.
We have done a good thing.

The Knight Foundation is paying Channel One to run news stories that promote the goals of your organization. As admirable as your goals are, do you think you have crossed a line? If you can buy stories on Channel One, then others will too.


Grow up, Metrock. Companies and nonprofit’s like us are doing whatever it takes to get their message out.
Ever heard of video news releases?

Did you not know that Channel One makes a mockery of journalism? Did you know that they mix advertising with news and feature stories?

Mr. Metrock, Channel One told me about you. You don’t like Channel One because you don’t think students should be watching commercials in class. I think you are naive. Channel One is an "award-winning" newscast. Our organization is very excited about working with them.

Channel One airs "advertorials" and other stories that help a sponsor sell their product or service. As the head of the Knight Foundation shouldn’t you be concerned about this goofy type of journalism being presented to students?


I think you have wrong information. Advertorials would be inappropriate in any news broadcast especially one aimed at young people. Channel One wouldn’t do that. You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting they do that.

Mr. Ibarguen, with all due respect, you haven’t done your homework on Channel One have you? How about taking a look at this video of Ms. Harris. video


Well, I am a little shocked by Ms. Harris’s "advertorial" comment. Even if she is mixing advertising and editorial content, the Knight Foundation is only giving Channel One a small amount of money. We aren’t the bad guys. Your beef is with Ms. Harris’s company.

It may be a small amount of money to you, but what you have done is kept Channel One alive. And many parents and educators would rather this exploitive marketing gimmick be removed from schools. Channel One’s contract compels students to watch their TV show or the TVs will be ripped off the wall. What part of that do you think is "OK"?

The Knight Foundation wants young people to better understand the First Amendment. Channel One has an audience of millions. Even if the students are forced or compelled to watch that’s OK. Sometimes you have to give up some freedoms to enjoy others.

The Knight Foundation aims to "encourage journalism excellence." Channel One allows movie and TV stars, singers, and sports personality to become "guest news anchors" so they can pitch their latest movie, TV show, CD or TV sports event DURING the newscast. How can you defend your decision to underwrite Channel One News and this type of unethical journalism?


I still think you are misinformed about Channel One News. On the tapes they sent me, I never saw a "guest news anchor" pitch anything. Judy Harris wouldn’t allow that.

Excuse me, you have to be kidding me, you really haven’t researched Channel One. Take a look at this.


Good grief. This is unbelievable. For a news anchor to hold up a product and sell it, especially to young people is against everything the Knight Foundation stands for. Metrock, I’m changing my mind about you. Channel One never told us about these practices.
Unfortunately, we can’t get our money back.

I guess this ends my imaginary interview. For the sake of those who contribute to and support the Knight Foundation and for the sake of those like me that believe in ethical journalism, I hope the Knight Foundation will learn from this terrible mistake and be more cautious when it comes to making grants.

I am so glad we had this chance to talk. The things you have shown me are abhorrent. I too hope the real Alberto Ibarguen will come to his senses. I know I have.