From Jim Metrock:
Thank goodness few schoolchildren are watching Channel One News.
Almost the first half of the Friday, November 14 show was devoted to gay marriage.
Children as young as ten were presented with an "in-your-face" discussion of whether it is right or wrong to allow a man to marry another man and a woman to marry another woman.
This report is even worse than previous Channel One attempts to get gay rights and gay marriage in front of middle school students. [Channel One’s Gay Agenda, Video, Another Gay Story For Preteens, Channel One News: Your Gay Marriage Channel For Children, Unbelievable]
The pictures below are all from this one long report that began Channel One’s show as their TOP STORY. There was no reason to make this sensitive topic the most important story of the day for middle school students.
I attribute the new aggressiveness and bias in this story to NBC now doing all the programming for the all-but-broke Channel One company. NBC has never been shy about their position and what they will do to advance the gay agenda.
Channel One Brings Gay Marriage To Preteens
![]() Channel One’s Justin Finch travelled across the country to Los Angeles to do a story on gay rights. That’s dedication.
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Kids are shown Channel One’s graphic explaining Proposition 8. Channel One/NBC writers chose to frame the proposition as a BAD thing. That is why they have in big red letters that this was an amendment "that TOOK AWAY the RIGHT of same-sex couples to marry." (Our emphasis added.) Proposition 8 would add only these words to the California Constitution: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." That’s it. That’s Prop 8 in it’s entirety. Notice not only the bias phrasing and the red lettering but they used a picture of two men marrying each other as the background. They didn’t need to do that. But the kids haven’t seen anything yet. |
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Children watch a quick clip of two women getting married. Teachers had no warning about any of this content. |
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Channel One wanted to share this clip with kids. A man ( the "bride" ) holding a bouquet of flowers is shown embracing his new "husband." Channel One wants students, no matter what age, to become more tolerant. Channel One’s version of "tolerance" may not be taught in most homes, but it WILL be taught in classrooms that still show Channel One News.
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The producer obviously wanted to go overboard with this report. Children HAD to see many men marrying men and women marrying women. Children had to understand that homosexuality is normal and gay marriage should be normal. Here is yet another clip of a gay wedding ceremony. |
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Two lesbians tie the knot and Channel One News was there to get the video to share with middle school kids all over the country. |
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Not another gay wedding?! OK, haven’t you made your point, Channel One? |
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The subtext of this browbeating report is that there is no moral question when it comes to the issue of gay marriage. (Anyone who watches Channel One a lot knows that EVERYTHING is morally neutral, values neutral. There is no RIGHT or WRONG. There are ALSO two sides to every issue and each side deserves exactly the same amount of respect.
Why is Channel One News interviewing college students? Parents should be thankful that if a major report on gay rights HAD to be done, that Channel One did include both sides. Clips of a few man/woman marriages were also shown. Yeah, Channel One! |
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Another exchange of vows. Most (almost 100% of parents) will never be aware that Channel One News showed this story to their preteen child. |
The producer for Channel One News wanted close ups of hands. Kids see two women holding hands as they marry each other, then a man slip a wedding ring on his male bride, and then two women exchanging wedding rings. Now, be thankful that Channel One has lost millions of schoolchildren from their captive audience. Be thankful that many classroom teachers turn the program off the second it comes on automatically in their rooms. Be thankful that some schools never fool with showing the program in any classroom ever. Add this report and its slanted view to reasons you should throw Channel One News out of your child’s school. |