Channel One Sleeps On Times Square Story

May 2, 2010

It’s noon EDT and Channel One’s official “youth news” web site has no mention of the Times Square car bomb story.  This event happened just blocks away from Channel One’s studio.

Nobody is at home at Channel One News on the weekends.  This makes a mockery of their claim to be the premiere source of news for young people.  News is not their business; advertising is their business.  Soon Channel One will break a sweat and post a cut-and-paste story about this event from the AP wire.  This is just another indicator of the level of laziness and indifference at Channel One News.  There’s no surprise this company is fading away.

Below: Channel One’s home page at 12:00 pm Sunday, May 2, 2010

Below: Channel One’s “News” page, same time.
