Channel One News advertises unrated Super 8

April 30, 2011


From Jim Metrock:

It looks like Channel One News is seeking to encourage teen filmmakers. It’s nothing of the sort, of course.

Every contest on Channel One News promotes a product. The product here is a new movie coming out June 10.  Channel One closes up shop on June 3, so they have to start advertising this movie early.  The movie is unrated as of today. It’s a no-no for Channel One to advertise an unrated movie, but they have done it over the years without getting in trouble with schools. The content of movies doesn’t concern Channel One. They have advertised stoner movies, movies that had large amounts of teen drinking, and of course violent and sexual content. If it is PG-13, Channel One News will advertise the movie to high school and middle school students.

Clicking on the above Super 8 wording gets a young person to the page below.  Nowhere does Channel One mention this is an advertisement.  The ethically-challenged kiddie marketers at Channel One News and their parent company Alloy Media and Marketing like confusing teens and preteens.  An ad that doesn’t look like an ad is much more effective. And effective ads generate much needed revenue for Channel One.

Young visitors see the trailer for the movie on this page, but it’s being shown in the context of what looks like an educational contest.



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