Announcing the Wastin’ Time and Tax Money Award

September 29, 2011

Michigan’s Lardner Middle School is first nominated school.


Jeff Curry is president of the Niles Community Sch. Board.


From Jim Metrock:

Obligation, Inc. has instituted an award that will “honor” public schools that show Channel One News and its commercials during the school day.

The award is called the Wastin’ Time & Tax Dollars Award.  Obligation will nominate public middle schools and high schools that are showing movie commercials and other advertising to students while they sit in their classrooms.  A winner will be chosen from the nominated schools.  The award will be given out four times during the school year so schools that waste time and money have FOUR chances to win each year.

The winning school will receive a certificate and a cash prize of $250. In order to receive the cash prize, all the school district needs to do is allow Obligation time at a regularly scheduled school board meeting to make a public presentation to one of these three:  1. The school board president, 2. The district superintendent, or 3. The school principal.

Some would say $250 is not much money for such an award. True, but the schools that will be in the running for this honor are schools that have little concept of the value of money.

As you see, our first nominee is the Lardner Middle School in Niles, Michigan. As an example let’s picture one classroom at Lardner. There is a TV set in this room and it’s owned by Channel One. Channel One rents the TV set to Lardner. Lardner doesn’t pay the rent in cash. They pay in lost student time. In order to keep this TV set – that is worth no more than $150 NEW – the school administrators and school board are happy to make each student in this classroom give up 12 minutes a day, one hour a week, 1 week of school a year, to pay the rent on this on TV set.

So if these school administrators think Channel One is a super deal for their taxpayers and students, then they will go crazy over the chance to receive not $100, no not $150, and not $200 but TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS!

Good luck to all you “Channel One schools.”


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