On February 15, 2012 Channel One News used their crack team of “journalists” to show off school tee shirts. This one 30-second bit of nonsense cost students and taxpayers dearly.
Channel One says they have “nearly 5.5 million” students. (They once claimed a captive audience of 8.1 million.) If half of their claimed audience actually watches the show, then this “silly tee shirt time” wasted over 20,000 student hours. If 5 million watched, 40,000 lost student hours.
Check out our Channel One archives to see more examples of how Channel One News wastes student time and tax money.

Production associate Kristen Brody pretends she's a tiger. Students watching this probably have two questions: 1. Who is this person? 2. Why is she on my classroom TV screen?

Evan Groll is showing off his bodybuilder form. Childish behavior from Channel One's crack team of "journalists" confirms what we have always known: high schools don't watch Channel One News. Younger middle school students are Channel One's most loyal audience and even most of them have to be embarrassed by the silliness of this youth marketing show.

We have no idea who this person is. We do know he loves dancing and showing off this middle school's tee shirt.

Does Ms. Brody have any idea of how much tax money and school time she has wasted with this stupid stunt? Does she care?

This must be how Channel One employees look when they are told they have a job for another week. They must be surprised and very grateful. It has to be fun to be a "reporter" at Channel One. If you don't mind exploiting schoolchildren, it's a great place to work. These "journalists" can do anything they want and still keep their audience, because Channel One's audience has to watch them under force of contract. When you don't have to daily earn your audience, everything is easy. Yet, that has to be a sense of foreboding among these employees. How long will schools, parents, taxpayers, and most importantly students put up with their company?