Psychic readings for kids? It’s a new low for Channel One News.
From Jim Metrock: It’s like the few remaining Channel One News executives want to kill their own company. And kill their “partner” Promethean at the same time.
Didn’t anybody at Channel One hesitate for one moment when this advertiser was first considered? There are obviously people at Channel One News that believe in astrology, horoscopes and such because that type of content has been on Channel One’s site for years. The difference here is this advertiser can cost teens and preteens a ton of money if they run past their 3 free minutes. LivePerson Psychic Readings offers reading over the phone, by email, and by chat line. (With the clock running, I don’t expect these psychics to be very fast typists.)
How many parents would feel comfortable with the Love Whisperer Daniel G talking to their 12-year-old daughter? True the Love Whisperer has slashed his per minute prices from a totally reasonable $9.99 to an incredible, INSANE! $7.49.
Seriously, wait… I am having a vision, whoa, I see… I see… Channel One News out of business. I see U-Haul trailers and darken TV studios. I see old TV sets being thrown into landfills all across the country. I see teachers and students singing because they are not forced to watch this marketing/lite news TV show for an hour a week. I see former Channel One employees applying for jobs at ad agencies in Manhattan. I see a better day for American education when academic time replaces marketing time in classrooms.
It doesn’t take a psychic to realize Channel One News will be gone soon.

Channel One News is loading up its website with ads for Live Psychic Readings. The ads appear in several sections of Channel One knows to have plenty of Psychic Reading ads on its Horoscope page.
- This is the website that children are sent to if they click on the ads for “Live Psychic Readings.”
- This Channel One News-advertiser also has psychics who can help a child with his or her homework. The rates for this type help is considerably cheaper than the love psychics. Students at schools with Channel One can know ahead of time if a pop quiz is going to be given. Leave it to Channel One to give young students the cutting edge advantage they need in the challenging world of elementary and secondary education.