From Jim Metrock: This creepy banner ad appeared this week on Clicking on the ad sends kids straight to the page below. This is the controversial site.,0,2433092.story
I typed in Paul Folkemer’s email address to see what would happen. Folkemer is a top executive for Channel One. He doesn’t appear to be concerned that this advertiser is inappropriate for middle and high school students, so he can’t get upset with me using his name to test out the website.

Young people can type in a name, an email address, or phone number and get detailed information about someone – if they pay a small fee. The advertiser teases that “hidden pictures” of the person may be able to be seen.
What users can obtain from can be found elsewhere but it would take a long time going to various different sites. Gathering information from so many sources has caused many to criticize this site. returns a picture of Folkemer’s family. You evidently will get more pictures, videos, and social media content concerning Folkemer if you pay a fee. This is creepy enough for adults, but to aim this company’s advertising at teens and children is reckless and irresponsible of Channel One News.
Bottom line: Channel One News needs to remove this advertising immediately. I have sent an email to CEO Kent Haehl and to Paul Folkemer. Both of these men are dedicated youth marketing executives, but there are situations where marketing has to take a backseat to what is in the best interest of young people and that’s the case here.