Andrew Knopf served four years at Channel One News starting in 2007 and was released in 2011. Most current information on his whereabouts is he is employed at Six Flags.
From Jim Metrock: I am trying to figure out who is still employed at Channel One. I made a request of Channel One’s CEO CJ Kettler and she never responded. She is what you would call a “non-responsive” chief executive officer.
Channel One Director of Communications Ms. Alex Honeysett wrote me back only to tell me there will be no communication concerning who works at Channel One. It seems it is not Channel One’s policy to tell the public who is employed by the youth marketing firm. So this is going to be hard.
I did find out that Andrew Knopf who was the head of Sales for Channel One quietly left the company around the end of 2011. I could find no press release from Channel One concerning Mr. Knopf’s departure. That is so typical of Channel One. The industry and media are not notified of any executive changes at Channel One. One day an executive is head of sales at Channel One, the next day “there is nobody by that name working here.” Truly bizarre.
Knopf previously worked at the (WWE) World Wrestling Entertainment corporation, so I am sure he is tough enough not to get his feelings hurt by Channel One’s lack of corporate etiquette.
He is now working at Six Flags in “Corporate Alliances” department.
Nov. 26, 2007 – Channel One: New Owner, Old Issues – Advertising Age
Nov. 30, 2007 – And in this corner, From the WWE… “Andy “The Rate Cutter” Knopf
Oct. 23, 2008 – NBC Cutting Expenses