When your company has put your job in jeopardy, there is nothing better than Resume Maker Professional software. Make that sparkling resume as quick as a bunny. Note: leave “Channel One” off your resume for best results!
From Jim Metrock:
It might just now be sinking in.
People are going to lose their jobs at Channel One.
Whenever Company A acquires Company B, Company B immediately says that there will be no changes at Company B. Everyone should stop worrying. Nothing is going to change.
These of course are lies, but they contain a little bit of truth.
Things won’t change… immediately. Company B employees will continue to see the same Company B employees in the hall and at the water fountain that they have always seen.
But within a few weeks or months, employees start disappearing.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt doesn’t need two people doing the same job. Emma Doherty is HMH’s Director of Communications. Alex Honeysett is Channel One’s Director of Communications. HMH is the big, profitable company; Channel One is the small, desperate company. Guess who stays?
Is Channel One’s CEO CJ Kettler really needed at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt? Yes, she is, but only for a few months.
Channel One employees need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and start understanding the reality of what happened on Tuesday.
Channel One is a step closer to disappearing. If there was a future for Channel One, ZelnickMedia would still own the company.
So, let’s spruce up that resume and make sure to leave out any reference to “Channel One. ” Best wishes in the job market.