Channel One’s David Tanzer never knew what hit him. Alex Molnar made short work of the frightened, ill prepared Channel One CEO.
From Jim Metrock: I recently found the transcript for the 1998 face off between Dr. Alex Molnar of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Channel One’s CEO David Tanzer. Both appeared on the Today Show to discuss Dr. Molnar’s study The Hidden Costs of Channel One. The study said that Channel One was costing American taxpayers $1.8 billion dollars a year. Strangely, Mr. Tanzer avoided answering questions asked to him. Instead he repeated a script he had memorized, evidently knowing he could not think well on his feet. Strangest of all, he did not challenge Professor Molnar’s findings. It was a bizarre performance by Channel One’s top man. Tanzer was gone the next year.
After I saw this Today Show program, I realized that I didn’t have to fear this big company called Channel One. It was very encouraging.
For the full transcript click here Tanzer vs Molnar