Kids are shown rescuers carrying a passenger or a body out of the wreckage. Houghton Mifflin’s Channel One News program did not warn teachers of the horrific images it was going to show students on February 5, 2015.

It doesn’t matter to Houghton Mifflin/Channel One’s Tom Hanson whether his audience is filled with ten-year-olds or high school seniors: His script is the same and the ghastly images are the same.
From the Houghton Mifflin/ Channel One News script:
Last up, at least 25 people were killed in a plane crash yesterday, crashing into a bridge in Taiwan’s capital city, Taipei.
A car’s dashboard camera captured the moment the plane came careening sideways out of the sky toward traffic; the plane’s wing clipping a taxi before crashing into the river below. The taxi driver survived.
Rescue workers in small boats pulled survivors from the wreckage. Fifty-three passengers and five crew had been on board TransAsia Airways flight 235.
It took off from Taipei’s airport just before 11am local time for what was supposed to be an hour long flight to the Kinmen Islands near mainland China. But it sent out a “distress” signal just two minutes into the flight.
This is the second deadly crash from TransAsia Airways in less than seven months.