Elaine Welteroth, Editor-in-Chief at Teen Vogue is pumped as she gets the undivided attention of schoolchildren forced to watch Channel One News. This is a woman who is so on the fringe that many liberals would be uncomfortable with her talking to schoolchildren.
From Jim Metrock:
Today, May 25, 2017 will go down as an important day in the history of Channel One News. It’s important, but not in a good way.
Today Channel One, the in-school, TV show for kids, devoted a significant amount of its program to promoting a magazine and website that, I’m guessing here, 90% of parents and educators would find age inappropriate.
Obligation will be writing about this partnership over the summer. There is so much to be address with this bizarre move by Channel One News and their parent company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Obligation will make sure schools across the country are made aware of Channel One’s reckless decision to dump this cultural rot into young people’s lives.
It will be a few days before I write a more in-depth article about Teen Vogue, but let me give two examples of Teen Vogue’s over-the-top content.
In an article that encourages girls to think of their sexuality as fluid, Teen Vogue states as fact: “Only 48 percent of Gen Z identified as ‘completely heterosexual.'” [Generation Z is a loose term for those born after 1996.]
In an article called “Book Report: Queer Lit” children read that, “Lena Dunham and Teen Vogue agree: Annie on My Mind is a perfect Sunday morning kind of read.”
Go to their website for more outrageous content.
Ms. Elaine Welteroth, Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief, wearing the “Voices For Choice” shirt, is on Channel One News for one purpose: to get more teens and preteens (Channel One’s most loyal viewers are in middle school) to jump on board the new, edgy Teen Vogue train.
Obligation, Inc. will do our best to derail Teen Vogue and Channel One News.
Video: C1 May 25 2017 Channel One News partners with Teen Vogue.