Channel One is a sponsor and content provider for AOL’s Teen web site. On this site, children are exposed to age-inappropriate content such as movie reviews by E! Entertainment. Music acts that are known for their sexually-explicit lyrics are commonly featured on this site. Chat rooms and message boards are here for children to use.
Channel One’s presence on this site is disturbing. During the Channel One in-school TV show, kids are urged to visit this AOL site. Again it gives the impression that the school is endorsing this site,” said Jim Metrock. “Obligation urges Channel One to remove itself from this offensive site. “Give our children a break from this trash, Channel One,” Metrock said. “If you are advertising this site to children on your show and if you are an ‘anchor’ on the site, then you are going to be partially responsible forthe content.”
If you have AOL, check it out yourself. Type “Teens” as a keyword.