Screen shot of Channel One’s Facebook page. Teen Vogue and Channel One News are getting very political and parents have no idea how their children’s minds are being molded.
From Jim Metrock:
Channel One News keeps on plugging Teen Vogue and their radical sexual and political agenda with high school, middle school, and elementary school kids.
Elementary school students?! Yes, Channel One has a version of their daily show for elementary school students. They say they do not have advertising on this version, but they don’t allow the public to see their elementary version unless you pay a fee.
So it is easy to assume that some elementary students who are forced to watch Channel One at their school will visit Channelone.com and Channel One’s Facebook page.
On Channel One’s Facebook page they prominently feature their video promotion of Teen Vogue. Teen Vogue would probably be considered by a majority of parents as age-inappropriate for all middle school students and some high school students. Rubbing Teen Vogue in the faces of elementary school children is appalling.
Channel One’s slanted take on the news is showcased by the daily promoting of Teen Vogue on their Facebook page.
Video: Channel One FB promo Teen Vogue July 15