A school that shows Channel One News wastes school time.
The principal, superintendent, and school board members are all responsible for this waste of educational time and tax money.
The Wastin’ Time and Tax Dollars Award is Obligation’s opportunity to “honor” the schools and their district that care so little about maximizing school time and squandering taxpayer money.
Obligation will nominate schools to be considered for the Award. One school will be selected and will be notified of their “winning.” The Award will be given out four times during the school year. Nominees who are not the “winner” during one period will not be considered for future Awards.
The “winning” school will be presented a certificate and a check for $250 with only one qualification. Obligation’s president Jim Metrock must be allowed five minutes during a regularly scheduled school board meeting to speak about why the school “won” the Award and to present the certificate and check to the school principal or the local superintendent or the president of the school board. These conditions must be met before the school and/or district can claim the certificate and check.