You’re mean ones, Mr. and Ms. Grinch!
From Jim Metrock:
When children click on Channel One’s front page “Holiday Guide” they are taken to a page that instantly fills with a video ad for Disneyland Adventures video game. The ad fills the center of the screen even though the child has not clicked on any advertisement.
This video game works only with Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox. The game and hardware have been constantly advertised on Channel One News and on for the last three weeks.
Channel One’s ads and commercials are not just for the $48 Disneyland Adventure game but also for the necessary hardware which costs an additional $299.
Channel One News is all about selling kids expensive junk. The Grinches (employees) at Channel One News simply don’t care if students lose potential instructional time watching commercials. These commercials on Channel One News and ads on pay the salaries of Kent Haehl, Dr. Paul Folkemer, Scott Evans, Shelby Holliday, Sharon Song, Evan Groll, Sarah Mirza, Gary Hamilton, Zachary Carr-Dreher, Kristin Sachau, Karen Knapstein, Jessica Rojas, Kristen Brody, KK Libby, Jason Witmer, Steve Tiszenkel, Kitama Cahill-Jackson, and Jessica Kumari.
Let’s hope this is the last Christmas these Grinches will be commercially exploiting schoolchildren.
“Holiday Guide” is used as bait to get kids to watch a video ad for Disneyland Kinect. The video comes on automatically. Channel One News continues to push the boundaries of intrusive advertising.