Warner Brothers has a new movie. It’s called “Kangraroo Jack”. It is rated “PG” which means there is a parental warning because of the film’s content. Reviewers say the movie should have received a tougher rating. Screenit.com rates the alcohol/drug content of this movie as “Heavy”. The only higher rating for content is “Extreme.”
One of the greatest concerns for teachers is the continual influx of Hollywood movie ads that come into their classrooms via Channel One News.
Obligation’s president Jim Metrock said, “A school that runs movie commercials for students is a school that is educationally sick. They have lost sight of what public education is all about. Thankfully, schools are increasingly pulling the plug on Channel One News.”
Review from Desert News (Salt Lake City):
“The first of 2003’s crop is “Kangaroo Jack,” a supposedly family-friendly, live-action comedy that features some surprisingly mean-spirited humor, sexually suggestive references that push the PG rating and more flatulence jokes than the big screen ‘Scooby-Doo.’
From The Movie Mom;
“Kangaroo Jack” is not just a very bad movie. It is a very bad movie that shows how inadequately the MPAA rating system handles the kinds of materials that are of concern to parents. This movie received a PG rating despite “humor” about topics that include masturbation, homosexuality, drinking and drunkenness, epilepsy, murder, grabbing a woman’s breasts, the famous case where a dingo (wild Australian dog) ate a baby, a hit ordered by a mob boss on his stepson, and the ever-popular camel flatulence. Rated D-
From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
“Kangaroo Jack,” is a movie that encapsulates all that is vulgar, stupid and repellent about the Hollywood mind-set. Rated D+
Channel One News is not only advertising the movie during its in-school TV show, they are also advertising a contest to get kids into the theater to see this raunchy fare. Playing on the plot of the movie, Channel One is offering kids a chance to win a jacket stuffed with $1,000 in cash. In the movie, the main characters have a jacket with $50,000 of mafia money. They put it on a kangaroo that they think is dead and he wakes up and hops off.
Metrock said, “A parent ought to be outraged hearing that their child’s school is encouraging students to win a ‘jacket stuffed with cash’. It is bad enought for teachers and the school to be encouraging students to see this vulgar movie. School administrators and teachers are nuts to allow this to go. This is another case of Channel One’s president Jim Ritts dumping garbage on America’s children just so he can keep rolling in money.”