Channel One Pulls Plug On Weekly Updates For Teachers

December 3, 2001

The link above will take you to Channel One’s "Weekly Update" for teachers. Like most things at C1, it is an exercise in futility. Few teachers care about Channel One and fewer will take the time to go to C1’s web site. (Channel One abandoned an email program that would have given teachers free email services. So few teachers signed up for it that the project was abandoned by Channel One.  It seems no many teachers wanted "" as an email address.)

If you go to the Weekly Update you will see that the last update is dated "November 2" that is more than a month ago. It appears that Channel One has abandoned this effort also.

Another feature on the site is the "Line Up Call" which is a defensive effort by C1 to conteract the complaints that Channel One solely determines what is going to be shown in the classroom.  Well, Channel One addressed that by offering teachers a chance to call in and suggest what news stories they should report on. It is all a big joke at C1, but it looks good.

If you go to their site today, December 3, you will see they are asking teachers what should they be reporting on tomorrow November 6! Yipes. The "Line Up Call" is another scam by Channel One. It’s a scam that they can’t even keep up to date. The message is clear – Channel One will determine what they cover and they couldn’t care less what teachers want.

(Channel One will obviously update their site as soon as they read this article.  Channel One employees regularly check out Obligation.)