From Jim Metrock: West Holmes Middle School in Millersburg, Ohio begins their school day precisely at 7:28. If you aren’t in class when the 7:28 tardy bell goes off you are, well, tardy. Students can be in the hall or outside at 7:15, 7:20, and 7:25, but at 7:28 school starts.
OK, you know where this is going. Here’s another example of a school that values academic time more than Channel One’s commercial TV time.
At 7:15 on a typical morning at West Holmes Middle School, cars are pulling up dropping off students. Students are outside the school building talking with friends. At 7:15 classroom TV sets flicker to life and Channel One’s Scott Evans appears on screen shouting, “What is up!” to nearly empty classroom. As Channel One News drones on, more students filter into the rooms. As the tardy bell rings at 7:28 and students noisily take their seats, Channel One News goes to black.The show is over before the school day begins.