“The Calling” Advertisement – March 19, 2004
This video clip is taken from Channel One News, March 19, 2004. This is one continuous clip. It is 1 minute and 14 seconds long. Anyone that has access to a calculator, please multiply 8,000,000 (students under contract to C1N) times 74 seconds. How many student hours is that?
This particular show was co-anchored by a relatively obscure musician named Josh Kelley. This show was a 12-minute promotion of this Hollywood Records artist and his debut CD “For the Ride Home.” The commercial on this clip is for Acuvue contact lens. We reported on this ad before. Another rock group, Madonna’s Lillix, gets to plug their music on school time while also pushing contact lens. Then Channel One tells students about a “Rock Your Prom” contest which is an advertising vehicle for a group called “The Calling.” This group is using public tax money (by usurping school time) to build up interest in their CD coming out June 8.
In this short period of time, three music acts get plugged. Good schools would never allow this to happen. If your school still has Channel One News, then you should be very concerned about the judgment of your school administrators and school board. A lot of schools are taking important graduation exams. Some schools will be absolutely shocked when their students do poorly on the exams. These same schools probably don’t see anything wrong with the daily “Channel One Circus” in their classrooms.