What Milk Rocks! Can Offer Advertisers

April 13, 2010

Milk Media and Milk Rocks! are one and the same.  This company is nothing more than a kiddie marketing firm.

“Milk Media is the ideal way to reach millions of students K-12 …”  This company is bragging they can deliver kindergarten students to advertisers.  Just a few years ago this would have been considered disgraceful.  What kind of adult thinks of a pre-schooler in this way?

Mike Salvadore works for 206inc, a Seattle-based ad agency.

Here’s a little about Mr. Salvadore from his company’s website:

Isn’t it odd that everybody that has anything to do with Milk Rocks! and Milk Media are advertising and marketing executives?   Richard Long the man that heads Milk Media/Rocks! is a long-time advertising executive.  Parents and educators need only read these kiddie marketers’ own words to know their main purpose is to get kids to consumer more ads, not to consume more milk.  Promoting milk is the cover that allows these marketers geniuses to sneak into schools.

Here is the Milk Rocks! Media Kit.

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