From Jim Metrock: To George Bruton the CEO of the tiny Skoollive kiddie-marketing firm, teens and preteens are pretty much nothing more than a target “demographic.” They are merely a target market.
Below is a sponsored article paid for by Skoollive. Here Mr. Bruton gushes about the amount of money each teenager spends and how he can make advertisers good money when they signing up with Skoollive.

Tags: alla kozhukhina, allen malone, anna mitchell, armando solano, chris boothe, dcshoes, digital kiosks, ed andrew, george bruton, george bruton-kuhn, george kuhn, jacob schrimpf, james byrne, jason hall, jon nichols, josh valantine, justin gerard, kyle warren, kyle young, MAJ (Ret.) Jason C. Hall, mark white, martin acevedo, nathan benner, nathan vu, nic flores, partnership advocates, robert powell, skool live, skoollive, skoolloot, stephen grebing