Channel One News is a youth marketing company whose main purpose is to get advertising to a captive audience of impressionable schoolchildren. The company loans a school TV equipment in exchange for the school’s contractual pledge to show students a daily, 12-minute, hyper-commercial, TV program called Channel One News. Students lose one hour a week of schools time, which equates to one lost week of instructional time (32 hours) per year. No educational organization endorses the use of Channel One News.
Channel One has fallen on very hard times. Once they claimed over 8 million students were under contract. Since 1997 they have continued to lose schools and now they claim “nearly five million” students and the true figure is probably lower.
In May 2014, publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt acquired Channel One from ZelnickMedia the makers of the ultra-violent Grand Thief Auto video game series. Houghton Mifflin did not disclose the purchase price.
At the end of 2014 most of Channel One’s full-paying advertisers have abandoned the program.
From the Feb. 28, 2011 program – This has now become a routine way that Channel One News fills time between commercials.
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Video was removed due to complaint filed by Channel One News. Channel One News is contractually limited to have no more than 2 minutes a day of advertising, but on this day, they devote over 5 and a half minutes, of a 12-minute program, to promoting their most important advertiser — the U...
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Some of the content in this Channel One News-plugged/endorsed movie: Sex & Nudity Several sex scenes throughout, involving various states of undress (including underwear), and partial nudity. A man has a foot fetish, and makes sexual advances towards a woman’s feet. A pornographic website with a profane title is mentioned. A penis is...
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Sony Pictures picked the pocket of taxpayers when they used public school time to promote the movie The Green Hornet on Channel One News. Movies are constantly being advertised on Channel One News. Many like this one movie have troubling content.
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From Jim Metrock: Every commercial for a movie in a public school classroom IS ugly. Above is part of the web advertising campaign for the new PG-13 movie Beastly. Channel One News of course also ran promotions for the movie on their in-school TV program. The movie is inappropriate for many middle school...
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