From Jim Metrock:
Channel One’s on-air personality Maggie Rulli is leaving. Her last day was Friday, May 27.
Ms. Rulli stayed too long at the controversial, in-school TV show. Her role was to be the pretty face to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s ugly commercial exploitation of school kids via their Channel One News subsidiary. Sadly she stayed with this stink bomb of a company for four full years. Yuck. She could have been doing something to make the world better, but she chose to work for a youth marketing firm – go figure.
If she had a manager advising her for those four years, he or she has to be one of the worst talent managers in the business. That said, Ms .Rulli, unlike some of the other on-air people at Channel One News, does have a future. She is a lot like the ex-Channel One personality Maria Menounos. Like Ms. Menounos, Ms. Rulli’s good looks will take her far with minimal journalism skills.

Channel One’s anchor Maggie Rulli dancing for her captive audience of student viewers. Taxpayers subsidized the time children had to watch Ms. Rulli dance. Ugh.
Ms. Rulli lost precious years acting silly in front of Channel One’s cameras. When she started at Channel One, she had the unnerving habit of smiling at inappropriate times while she read serious stories off the teleprompter. (Example: (The video clip in this older article showed Ms. Rulli’s bizarre tease for an upcoming story about deadly Hurricane Sandy. You can’t see the video because embarrassed Channel One had YouTube take it, and many other videos, down.))
Another example shows Ms. Rulli wasting taxpayer money and student time having fun pretending to sneeze on air. I know, it’s dumb, but Ms. Rulli and Channel One’s producer thought it would be a load of fun. I think even Ms. Rulli will admit she didn’t come out looking so well.
Ms. Rulli got better reading her scripts, but until her last day, she continued working hard to be “the cutest” she could possibly be on air. Her signature look was cocking her head to the side and flashing that smile as if saying, “Aw, I’m the cutest thing!”
Of course, all her playing to the camera was done on taxpayer time. If public schools didn’t have a contract Channel One, few students would have ever seen Maggie Rulli on a classroom TV no matter how precious she thought she was.
So long, Maggie. You made some money off of American schoolchildren and gave them little in return. You helped sell junk to students and you were paid for the work. Now go and redeem yourself.