Heterosexual sex on Channel One News-advertised Pretty Little Liars.
From Jim Metrock: It is so easy to get sick of Channel One News.
The company is constantly selling kids something. Often their ads don’t appear like ads. Channel One is a master at mixing news with advertising.
On May 6, the classroom TV show Channel One News starts off with an actress from the sexually-charged Pretty Little Liars TV show. She welcomes students to Channel One. Then anchor Maggie Rulli says the actress was on the show because she helped host a awards program for young volunteers. Well, that is a wonderful thing for the actress to do and isn’t it nice for Channel One News to cover such a story, but hold on.
This is Channel One News. Nothing is like it seems.
The appearance of Sasha Pieterse from Pretty Little Liars is an advertisement for her TV show. This ugly, age-inappropriate show has been plugged on Channel One News during the last part of the school year for several years.
Why would Channel One CEO Ms. CJ Kettler allow any type of promotion for such cultural rot like Pretty Little Liars? Simple: she wants to keep her job. Alloy Media and Marketing owns Channel One News and they created Pretty Little Liars. This is not complicated stuff.
June 4, 2013 – Entire Channel One News show is one big commercial.
May 23, 2012 – The day Channel One News tore up its contract with American schools.
June 3, 2011 – A program-length commercial.
April 20, 2011 –A pop quiz about – HEY, WATCH THE NEW SEASON OF PRETTY LITTLE LIARS THIS JUNE – the trapped miners in Chile.
From Common Sense Media: Pretty Little Liars
Parents need to know that the teens in this series based on the Harper Teen Novels of the same name engage in lots of naughty behavior like theft, defying parents’ rules, breaking and entering, and general cattiness. The story centers on an intense, ongoing incident of bullying by an unidentified person who threatens to reveal damaging secrets about her victims’ private lives. Teen sexuality — including a main character’s homosexuality and a teen’s sexual relationship with her high-school teacher — makes for some intense physical encounters that stop just before the act itself (although it’s referenced later). Expect some sporadic violence, including murder (but no blood) and scenes of dead bodies; a fair amount of language (“bitch,” “damn,” “ass,” etc.) from the teens; and some misguided choices that lead the characters into dangerous situations, all of which is made possible by an extreme lack of parental influence. That said, mature teens and adults will find this series to be an enticing blend of drama, mystery, and suspense.
See for yourself:
March 19, 2014 – Starkville, MS schools are no longer honoring the Channel One News contract