Teachers and school boards are increasingly disappointed with Channel One’s hyper-commercial content.
In 2012 Channel One News continues to lose schools. Once they had over 8 million secondary school students in their captive audience. Now they have under 5 million. That means that ad revenue is shrinking for this youth marketing firm. In response to downward pressure on revenue, Channel One is converting more and more of its daily, 12 minute, classroom TV show to commercial content. Channel One’s Pop Quiz used to be legitimate. It used to feature questions that were timely and tied-in with current news stories. Now the quizzes are quite frequently not-too-subtle movie promotions.
Note: Channel One only posted this part of the pop quiz and did not include the part where they explained why fear causes hair to stand on end.
Like previous Pop Quizzes that promoted movies or TV shows, Channel One anchors “play it straight” as they help plug each show. A few past examples: